Our lunchtime menus, hors d’oeuvre buffets, gourmet options and takeaway items are available from 11:45 to 14:00.
Welcome to your Eldora restaurant and enjoy your meal!
Our lunchtime menus, hors d’oeuvre buffets, gourmet options and takeaway items are available from 11:45 to 14:00.
Welcome to your Eldora restaurant and enjoy your meal!
The self-service area is the heart of our catering service and welcomes you throughout the day, with a range of delicious options available whenever you take a break.
Steamed saithe MSC
Organic wholemeal rice
Aubergines with lemon, mint and coriander
CHF 13.00
Small salted pork
Sauverny GRTA lentils
Mixed vegetables with semi-strong mustard
Contient du porc
CHF 13.00
Sliced octopus
Pan-fried sweet potato with chilli and lime
Crunchy saladine with fennel
CHF 15.00
Light miso and kumbo soup
Vegetable gyosa
CHF 10.00
Roasted ASC sea bass fillet with dried fennel
Pumpkins with rosemary
CHF 13.00
Lamb meatball with rosemary
Organic white beans
Ratatouille with olives
CHF 13.00
Suprême de poulet aux feuilles de curry
Riz basmati BIO
Aubergines et courgettes en sauce
CHF 15.00
St-Hubert bread with chestnut garnish
Button mushrooms and artichokes
Poached egg
CHF 10.00
MSC Northern flounder fillet
Basmati rice
Stewed GRTA celery with aniseed
CHF 13.00
Roast chicken "West Indian colombo"
Mashed sweet potatoes
Candied yellow carrots
CHF 13.00
GRTA lentil compote with celery and leeks
Quorm with coconut milk and curry
CHF 10.00
Slow-cooked beef palette
English-style scalloped potatoes
Steamed romanesco cabbage
CHF 13.00
Poached char fillet
Cassava fries
Brussels sprouts
CHF 13.00
Creamy organic ricotta risotto
Butternut squash with rosemary
Curly salad
CHF 10.00
Steamed cod fillet
Avocado vinaigrette
Grilled vegetables
Red beans with spices
CHF 13.00
Duck breast with orange sauce
GRTA lentils
Green beans with pears
CHF 13.00
Eggs Florentine with spinach
Wholemeal rice
CHF 10.00
Dos de lieu noir MSC vapeur
Riz complet bio
Aubergines au citron, menthe et coriandre
Petit salé de porc
Lentilles de Sauverny GRTA
Macédoine de légumes à la moutarde mi-forte
Emincé de poulpe
Poêlée de patate douce, piments et citrons verts
Saladine croquante au fenouil
Soupe miso clair et kumbo
Gyosa aux légumes
Filet de bar ASC rôti au fenouil sec
Potirons au romarin
Boulettes d'agneau au romarin
Haricots blancs BIO
Ratatouille aux olives
Suprême de poulet aux feuilles de curry
Riz basmati BIO
Aubergines et courgettes en sauce
Pain St-Hubert garni aux châtaignes,
champignons de Paris et artichauts
Oeuf poché
Filet de limande du nord MSC
Riz basmati
Compotée de céleri GRTA à l'anis
Poulet rôti "colombo antillais"
Ecrasé de patates douces
Carottes jaunes confites
Compotée de lentilles GRTA au céleri et poireaux
Quorm au lait de coco et curry
Palette de bœuf en cuisson lente
Pommes de terre grenaille à l'anglaise
Choux romanesco vapeur
Filet d'omble poché
Frites de manioc
Choux de Bruxelles
Risotto BIO crémeux à la ricotta
Courge butternut et romarin
Saladine frisée
Dos de cabillaud vapeur
Vinaigrette avocats
Légumes grillés
Haricots rouges aux épices
Magret de canard à l'orange
Lentilles GRTA
Haricots verts aux poires
Oeufs florentine aux épinards
Riz complet
Service de restauration de l'OMC
M. Rosello Yannick
Rue de Lausanne 154
1202 Genève
Opening Hours (Monday to Friday)
Atrium from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
The View from 11:45 am to 2:00 pm
Tel. +41 22 739 62 84