Our lunchtime menus, hors d’oeuvre buffets, gourmet options and takeaway items are available from 11:45 to 14:00.
Welcome to your Eldora restaurant and enjoy your meal!
Our lunchtime menus, hors d’oeuvre buffets, gourmet options and takeaway items are available from 11:45 to 14:00.
Welcome to your Eldora restaurant and enjoy your meal!
The self-service area is the heart of our catering service and welcomes you throughout the day, with a range of delicious options available whenever you take a break.
Pan-fried char fillet
Grenobloise sauce
Organic quinoa
Sliced fennel with aniseed
CHF 14.00
Duck leg with rosemary
Steamed scalloped potatoes
Pan-fried white cabbage
CHF 14.00
MSC back of cod in brine, aniseed and roasted on the skin
Potatoes vitelotte
Cream of pumpkin soup
CHF 16
Autumn ratatouille with quark
(pumpkin, chestnut, sweet potato, turnip)
CHF 12.00
Steamed MSC Pollock king fillet
Parsleyed GRTA chickpeas
Green beans with pickled onions
CHF 14.00
Roast veal roulade with sage
Penne with basil
CHF 14.00
Chicken supreme with wasabi and combava
Organic jasmine rice
Green papaya salad
CHF 16.00
Vegetarian ramen
(Poached egg, tofu, soba noodles, crunchy vegetables)
CHF 12.00
Low-temperature chicken breast
Organic basmati rice with vermicelli
Steamed broccoli
CHF 14.00
MSC fish and chips style cod fritters
Rösti patties
Roasted parsnips
CHF 14.00
Casarecce with spinach shoots and burrata
CHF 16.00
Lentil dahl with paneer and roasted cauliflower
Naan bread
CHF 12.00
MSC CAP hake fillet with lemongrass
Steamed sweet potatoes
Mixed vegetables with coconut milk
CHF 14.00
Beef Stroganoff
Fine polenta GRTA
Multicoloured peppers
CHF 14.00
Sliced pork with Satay sauce
Pan-fried aubergines with Sichuan and Moghrabieh peppers
Contient du porc
CHF 16.00
Green curry with broccoli and spinach
GRTA chickpeas and coconut shavings
CHF 12.00
Roast fillet of sea bream
Alsatian gnocchi
Stewed celery with thyme
CHF 14.00
Pork leg with mustard
Borlotti beans
Candied pumpkins
Contient du porc
CHF 14.00
Beef teppanyaki with tamarind and sake
Organic basmati rice with Thai basil
Shitake and sautéed carrots
CHF 16.00
Breaded Tome Vaudoise with pickled onions
Mashed potatoes and chestnuts
Green salad
CHF 12.00
Filet d'omble poêlé
Sauce grenobloise
Quinoa BIO
Emincé de fenouil à l'anis
Cuisse de canette au romarin
Pommes de terre grenaille vapeur
Poêlée de choux blanc
Dos de cabillaud MSC saumuré à l'anis et rôti sur peau
Pommes de terre vitelotte
Crémeux de courge
Ratatouille d'automne au séré
(potiron, marron, patate douce, navet)
Filet royal de lieu MSC en vapeur douce
Pois chiches GRTA persillés
Haricots verts aux oignons confits au vinaigre
Paupiette de veau rôtie à la sauge
Penne au basilic
Suprême de poulet au wasabi et combava
Riz jasmin BIO
Saladine de papaye verte
Ramen végétarien
(Oeuf poché, tofu, nouilles soba, légumes croquants)
Poitrine de poulet basse température
Riz basmati BIO aux vermicelles
Brocolis vapeur
Beignets de cabillaud MSC "Style fish and chips"
Galettes de rösti
Panais rôtis
Casarecce aux pousses d'épinards et burrata
Dahl de lentilles au paneer et choux fleurs rôtis
Pain Naan
Dos de merlu du CAP MSC à la citronnelle
Patates douces vapeur
Jardinière de légumes au lait de coco
Boeuf Stroganoff
Polenta fine GRTA
Poivrons multicolores
Emincé de porc, sauce satay
Aubergines poêlées au poivre de Sichuan et Moghrabieh
Curry vert aux brocolis et épinards,
Pois chiches GRTA et copeaux de noix de coco
Filet de dorade royale rôti
Gnocchi alsacien
Compotée de céleri au thym
Cuissot de porc à la moutarde
Haricots borlotti
Potirons confits
Teppanyaki de boeuf au tamarin et saké
RIz basmati BIO et basilic thaï
Shitaké et carottes sautées
Tome vaudoise panée et oignons confits
Ecrasé de pommes de terre et châtaignes
Salade verte
Service de restauration de l'OMC
M. Rosello Yannick
Rue de Lausanne 154
1202 Genève
Opening Hours (Monday to Friday)
Atrium from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
The View from 11:45 am to 2:00 pm
Tel. +41 22 739 62 84